
My name is Emmit Kamakaniʻoluʻoluʻokoʻolau Kahaʻulelio Parubrub, but you can call me Emmit or Kamakani. I was born on the island of Oahu, Hawaiʻi and raised in Kahaluʻu. I love being in the ocean, the mountains, the basketball court, or the gym, but I have always been fascinated with technology. When I was a child my environment was very rural and filled with nature so when I would see new technology I would be interested and intrigued by how it worked. I've traveled to the Bay Area to pursue an education and career in technology so I can fulfill my lifelong goal: help build the next big thing in technology that fosters that fascination and passion that I used to have as a child into others.

Please feel free to keep reading more about my hobbies/interests below and click one of my socials below to contact or keep up with me.

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Hawaiians in Technology

What is Hawaiians in Tech?

One of the projects I've been working towards is creating and establishing a community surrounded around Native Hawaiians in the technology industry. I've worked with another kanaka maoli to create this website and it's currently up on hawaiiansintech.org. The goal of this community is to connect, inspire, provide representation, and promote the presence of Native Hawaiians who work in the technology industry. We're currently getting as many Native Hawaiians in the technology industry to join so please send this link to any that you may know.


I grew up as a mixed Native Hawaiian in Kahalu'u, Oahu and never felt as though I had anyone who represented my own cultural background in Technology. As I've established a foundation in the Technology industry, I'd like to be the person that can offer support to those Native Hawaiians who are interested in entering the industry. I also want to be able to connect and create a community of Native Hawaiians who feel like they belong in this industry.